
Web full stack development

Since January 1, 2024, today is my day of contact with code. I like modern languages ​​& technologies & frameworks, such as Vue and Go. I am currently years old and hope to make more meaningful websites and programs in the future.



100%Most commonly used front-end frameworks
80%The front-end core does not explain.
60%My favorite back-end language!
60%Commonly used to make friendly HTTP request scripts


2019-2022(Secondary Vocational School)
Software and Information Services Major
Computer Application Technology Major


Full stack, reverse development
Liaoning Province, China
Web full stack development
Guangdong Province, China


the beginning of everything
First introduction to HTML and CSS
When I was a freshman in college, I learned code-related courses such as HTML+CSS, data structure, MySQL database basics, etc. On the Chinese New Year's Day in 2024, I used the free static site hosting platform Netlify and cooperated with Github to launch my first A personal website.
January 2024
Learn in competition
Experience setbacks and improve cognition
One day, I participated in an important competition that changed my way and attitude towards learning. There are many technology stacks used in the competition rules, and the competition documents are filled with professional terms and development tools that have never been heard of. A complex set of front-end and back-end separation project development processes are required: Swing GUI desktop application (Java) development, Vue2+Spring Boot front-end separation CMS management system development based on Ruoyi, interface testing, product prototype design, etc. Time was tight and I needed to learn what I needed. Before the competition, I started to learn to use phpstudy to build a back-end development environment, configure and use Maven, JDK, and IDEA (I also needed to solve problems similar to the compatibility of JDK and Maven versions), get in touch with Redis, and Zoey Low-code development platform... In the end, I kept learning Swing courses on the Internet and Bilibili. I was successfully shortlisted in the preliminary round, but I did not get a good ranking in the subsequent semi-finals. I deeply lamented that my role in actual project development was too insignificant and there was still a long way to go. I began to explore a development path that suited me.
January 2024
Contact the traditional front-end and back-end non-separated architecture
Developed a lightweight web chat room based on Ajax
At that time, I was participating in a professional team competition. Each team member had a different division of labor. The members needed a lightweight communication bridge that could send text messages and files, so I tried to use PHP to develop a lightweight web page. chat room. It took a total of about a week until implementation, with data persisted on the server. This project does not use a database, but simply stores message records and account information in plain text, and polls the server through Ajax to receive new messages.
February 2024
Contact Cloud Virtual Hosting (VPS)
Launched the first dynamic website
In order to deploy the dynamic website I developed, I could no longer rely solely on free static site hosting services, so I started looking for a low-cost solution. Later, I came across cloud virtual host VPS (Virtual Private Server), which is a service that divides a physical server into multiple virtual servers. It is cheap or even free, but its shortcomings are also obvious, including poor performance, extreme instability, and insecurity.
February 2024
The first domain name in my life!
Another milestone! I learned about Nginx reverse proxy, DNS resolution, SSL certificate application and renewal, and chose Alibaba Cloud as a domain name registrar, applying for third-level domain names one after another. I plan to continue to carry out a series of projects under this domain name in the future, such as building a personal blog and developing multiple complete project websites and open platforms. I am full of expectations for it and the future, and believe that this domain name will be a small fulcrum for me on the Internet.
February 2024
Personal server GET!
Rented a Linux cloud server
In the previous process of using cloud virtual hosting, with the development of business and the limitations of service development language (there is only PHP environment in VPS), I began to encounter various limitations. Sharing resources means that my site's performance may be affected by other users, and there are certain limitations in resource expansion and custom configuration. After switching to cloud servers and getting exposed to the complete Linux operating system, I felt many significant advantages and the convenience of deploying a variety of back-end programs. The exclusive use of public IP and resources allows me to provide more stable and faster services to my users. Whether it is processing high concurrent requests or running resource-intensive applications, cloud servers can handle it with ease. I tried CentOS and Ubuntu among multiple Linux distributions, and finally chose the latter. Later I also tried using Archlinux and Kali on my personal host
March 2024
Start blogging
Established a personal knowledge management system
At the end of April, my personal blog was completed! Here, I will continue to share what I have learned and thought. This is not only a simple record and accumulation of knowledge, but also an in-depth analysis of my actual problem-solving process and experience. This platform is designed to manage my personal knowledge system. At the same time, I have opened login and registration to the outside world. I look forward to analyzing and discussing various technical problems with my colleagues, exchanging practical experience in solving problems, realizing the simultaneous sharing of knowledge and experience, and jointly promoting the technical field. innovation and development.
April 2024
Understand a front-end framework first
Start learning Vue3
After initially coming into contact with Vue3, I have a more intuitive understanding of the differences between it and Vue2 used in competitions I participated in. The first is performance improvement, that's for sure. Then there is the combined API. Compared with Vue2's option API, the combined API makes the organization of code more flexible and modular. I can put related logic together according to functions instead of scattered among data, methods, computed and other options, which is a big improvement for maintaining and reusing code. Overall, Vue3 feels more modern and efficient to me. Although you may feel a little confused in the early stages of learning due to the introduction of new concepts and APIs, I feel that once you adapt, the improvement in development efficiency and experience it can bring to me and everyone is very obvious. I believe that with the deepening of learning, Vue3 will open up a new world of front-end development for me.
May 2024
Start doing some serious things...
The first front-end and back-end separation project
After joining the GitCat organization, I worked with the founder Hcat to build a fully functional front-end and back-end separation project from scratch using Python. The front-end used Vue3+Pinia+Vuetify, and the back-end used Python+MySQL+Redis. During the development process, we gradually solved various common problems, such as database query optimization, paging query, Redis caching strategy, etc. In fact, before going online, we also conducted a separate pre-launch test. Finally, we used Gunicorn as the WSGI server, configured Nginx for reverse proxy, and successfully deployed our Flask back-end application with front-end packaging files to the production environment. Project collaboration and version management were strongly driven by GitCat. After version 1.0, we are still jointly updating and maintaining it, and have carried out a major version reconstruction, using the ORM model for database connection, and packaging Docker images to simplify the deployment process...
June 2024
Encounter with the Big Fat Blue Rat
Start learning Golang
I came across the Go language on the Internet, which is highly regarded for its simplicity, efficiency, and excellent concurrency performance. After the actual development experience, I chose it as my main learning direction without hesitation. Currently, I have begun to study Go's official documentation and improve my practical capabilities by learning GORM and Gin, two popular frameworks. I believe that by gradually gaining a deeper understanding of each Go language framework and accumulating practical experience, and learning to use the Go language more proficiently, I will be able to develop back-end services that are both efficient, reliable and promising.
June 2024
Farewell to the greenhouse
Leave campus and look for opportunities
As my college days slowly come to an end, I stand at a new starting point in my life - internship. This stage means that I will gradually transform from a pure student role into a responsible newcomer in the workplace. Here, I will no longer be just a learner of theoretical knowledge, but will become an explorer of practical problem solving, a practitioner who continues to grow and improve in practice. This change is not only a test of my own abilities, but also a major adjustment to my mentality and way of thinking. I will take this step bravely and embrace my career.
July 2024
kill time
Adjust your mentality.
During this month, more emphasis was placed on doing something interesting. First, I purchased two ESP8266 and an ESP32, and tinkered with the development board. Later, I became obsessed with the Kali operating system and learned and understood network penetration related content. It doesn’t take long to feel like yourself? At least I'm happy, but it's time to have enough fun and get back on track~
August 2024
save point
The story continues...
Stop here for now and save a file!
September 2024

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